1: In 2018, I will maintain a healthy diet. Throw out that bad diet of 2017. Turn your back on the burgers and fries, the cakes and sodas and embrace a healthy diet. Your body will thank you, your mind will thank you, and you’ll be living life to the fullest in the New Year.
2: In 2018, I will drink more water. You can feel refreshed and ready for anything when you drink plenty of water. Give yourself the boost that you deserve in the new year by aiming to drink around 8 glasses a day. Remember though – everyone is different and you might need more if you’ve got a higher level of activity.
3: In 2018, I will transform myself. Transform your fitness and let the real you shine through. Get fighting fit through a mix of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and plenty of rest and in 2018, you’ll be on top of the world!
4: In 2018, I will not slouch. Stand up tall and proud in 2018. Don’t let bad posture cause you spinal problems or drain your energy, like you did in 2017. Instead, straighten that spine, correct your posture, and allow yourself to be the best that you can be.
5&6: In 2018, I will fight to fulfil my wishes. Don’t just dream about it – do it! Whatever wishes and desires you’ve got for 2018, get out there and get them. Let your passions drive you, show how you truly feel, and let all your dreams come true. I will share my love. Don’t let loneliness get you down in 2018. Find your one true love and with them, find happiness and peace. If you’ve already found that one special person, show them how much they mean to you and how much you love them. Share the love this year.