Chairman Issah Monney writes;
Let’s impact lives through good activism coupled with revolutionary mind…..
I really smiled, where General Julius Malema,said to the speaker that he couldn’t even manage 25, how much more 43 now. What I have realised with the EFF, is that they shall one day take over south Africa and Africa at large… The first time they appeared in parliament, their number was 6, it then moved to 25 and now 43…. The ANC, of Mandela,is gradually losing its members and weight in parliament
Let’s move away from anything that sort to denigrate our passion and interest for moving Africa and Ghana to be precise forward.
Let’s all be soldiers…… Let’s all buy into the ideologies of Dr Nkrumah, Abraham Tiro, Stephen Bantu Biko, Julius Nyerere, Samora Michelle, Thomas Sankara, His Royal Emperor Haile Sellasie, Patrice Lumumba, etc…….
These are great personalities who fought reluctantly for Africa without thinking of self-interest. They dove their heart for the struggle and independent of Africa from colonial slavery. Their struggle for Africa, bought them enemies, they lost love ones and they became a torn in the flesh of the WHITE PIGS.
We the youth should be asking ourselves a very fundamental and important question, that are we ready to fight for our nation and it’s post colonialism
Most of the African leaders who fought reluctantly for Africa’s freedom from the ancestral slavery were youth like you and I. Some were even much younger than you and I, but placed the interest of its people and country the
I call on the youth of today for which am no exception to, that it’s time we laise our boots so as to get to the field to play the games we should be playing. We have observed for long and it’s time to impact our ideologies into the vulnerable youths on our communities so as to awaken their spirits of activism coupled with revolutionary mind.
Let the youths of today embrace entrepreneurship as one of the tool to fight unemployment rate in Africa. I have never trust the system we call schooling, rather given much respect to education. This tells us that there is a dichotomy between school and education. School is just a normal system of you moving from one room to another thinking you are acquiring knowledge. Education has nothing to do with western systems, education is very broad as imagination. It has a wider scope for which it has no boundaries for the only boundary available is death.
We the youth of today, I will plead with each and everyone to start paying his or her dues for the progress of mother Africa through entrepreneurship.
We have corrupt leaders who only think of their families and nothing more or less. The only African president today who has a blue print for which even the western are craving for is His Excellency John Mogufoli, of Tanzania.
Why can’t our leaders emulate such a hard working President?
Ghana seems to have one of the worst president in the history of the world to have appointed over 1000 of Staffers without anything objective. Over 600 state ministers. Why wouldn’t there be hardship in Ghana?
Let’s move far away from partisan politics and begin to manage our own affairs as the youth of this country and Africa, so as to move it forward…
God bless Africa
God bless Ghana
God bless Chairman Issah Monney.
Thank you
fb/efo qweku apedzego
I support every thing that popped up from what Chairman Issah Monney wrote to deinsider. It’s high time we the youth of this country wake up to fight against any unprogressive traditions(party politics) which is doing us more harm than good so that we won’t be victims tomorrow when they are no more.
God bless you Chairman
TESCON AND TEIN must go down