I couldn’t hold myself, then to sit up and put this write up together.
A female student of Koforidua Technical University (KTU) on her mandatory industrial attachment sent us a WhatsApp message and a voice note early hours of today, 04th July 2019
Message conversation
Lady: Please advise our ladies not to fall for sexual harassment at their offices, I was harassed at the office this morning
This man touched my breast and I actually slapped him and left his office back to my office, I don’t think he will try it on me again
DeInsider: Wow
Lady: yeah he wouldn’t try it on me again
DeInsider: Who is he at the workplace?
Lady: A manager, I went to his office to pick an ARC file for my boss and he did that so I left the file and told my boss he was not around
DeInsider: Which organisation was this?
Lady: Organisation Name withheld for now
DeInsider: Thanks very much of your insight, just be strong, I admire your courage, if it happens again, report it to someone or your boss. Sorry, this happened to you.
Lady: ok thanks
Dear Attachee, we’re sorry. We should have warned you about sexual harassment before you start your attachment.
Oftentimes, Acttechee are the most vulnerable when it comes to sexual harassment in the workplace. University or polytechnic Attachee are usually seen as easy targets because of their age, low rank in office settings, and lack of knowledge about the employment rights they have. Because of their position and work hours, Acttechee may not have established relationships with other employees, so it is difficult for them to find advocates or seek assistance when they experience sexual harassment.
As an Attachee, you should understand that human right law provides you with the same legal protections and rights regarding workplace harassment that it provides to an employee. This means you, as an unpaid employee, have the right to do the following if you suffer from sexual harassment:
- You have the right to file a charge of sexual harassment against your employer or harasser with the Department of Human Rights if you first sought a resolution within the company or business.
- You may have the right to file a lawsuit against the harasser or your company for failing to sufficiently address the sexual harassment.
- You have the right to file a complaint of sexual harassment within your company or a claim without fear of retaliation from your employer.
My advice will be, do not throw yourself on any man or guy during this period of attachment, learn to comport yourself and dress decently to work. Avoid the free lunch, tips and “drop-offs” nothing comes for frees now
You are there in the name of your institution and at no point should you misconduct yourself, remember after school, you will go back to same companies to look for jobs, there is a Ghanaian saying that, “where you eat, you should not dirty yourself there or spoil yourself there”
Leave a comment below if this was helpful and share your experiences as well
Source: DeInsider.com