When a Presidential candidate of a political party is given the mandate to rule this country as a President and allows partisan politics to dominate and clouds his statesmanship, the nation suffers. That is why we are where we are today.
Corruption as we all know has been in existence even before the law. Coming to Ghana, we all know that it grows alongside with the government size. Ghanaians are of the opinion that the system operated under this government is so corrupt that it affect every sector of the economy. Corruption scandals in Ghana have reached an alarming proportion where even a President who should lead the charge against corruption is being accused of monumental corruption, It is a very worrying situation. Corruption has been the standard for measuring superiority since it has been normalized by the President under this administration, for which appointees are competing among themselves to elect the best corrupt appointee.
The mind boggling tales of corruption that came from this government is the recent PDS scandal which affirms the majority decision that this government is the most corrupt regime since the inception of governance. Recent reports by the CDD, Transparency International, Imani and other credible civil societies connotes the fact that Corruption is on the rise which needs drastic measure of approach in addressing the menace.
By extension, one key thematic pivotal question one sort to ask is, what measures and mechanism checks have been putting in place to arrest the menace of corruption under this regime? In comparison, the erstwhile NDC administration rolled out and implemented policies such as the introduction of the National Anti Corruption Plan (NACAP) and enacted the legislative instrument under the Public office holders Act, set up a commission of inquiry with a sole Commissioner that investigated issues relating to judgement Debts, supported the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) in combating money laundering and terrorist financing within the existing legislative framework, supported effective investigations and prosecution of corrupt conduct as well as recovery of stolen assets, created civic awareness that enabled the public in demanding accountability from public officials, promoted integrity in the public sector by motivating and rewarding honest public officers, strengthen Anti Corruption and law enforcement institutions. It’s sad that time may not permit me to itemized all gains made by the erstwhile administration, but in the case of this government none can be of evidence in their will and quest in fighting corruption.
It is important that institutions which have been weakened under this regime would be strengthened. There should be “accountability and consequence management” for those implicated in corruption, where those found to be guilty of participating in corrupt activities, there must be consequences,”. There must be jail term for those who are found to have participated in corrupt activities either than the Knee Jerk approach of clearing appointees of no wrong doing.
Mr. President, enough of the cover ups, enough of the clearing.